the joy of teaching, the love of learning

the joy of teaching, the love of learning

Strategic Discussions Calendar

Each Board meeting will include a discussion around a Strategic Plan goal.  It will involve developing agreement on, and understanding of, what each goal means and how to measure its effectiveness. It will also be a time to acknowledge achievements and ensure the Board is planning for the future. Members and staff interested in the Boards discussions are welcome to attend the Board meeting - if you wish to do so please contact the General Manager, Helen, on 0274423163 for information about the meeting date, time and venue.

The Boards strategic discussions are one of its most important functions. They describe for the General Manager and the organisation what it envisages and aspires to for the future. Each Board meeting will include a discussion around a Strategic Plan goal. It will involve developing agreement on defining what each goal means, how it becomes visible in the Association and how it will keep our organisation ahead of the competition. It will also be a time to monitor and acknowledge existing achievements and ensure the Board is forward focused in its planning and thinking.

February 2023

Teaching and Learning:

Every child's culture, identity and language is affirmed

October 2023


Every child experiences the breadth and depth of a rich local curriculum


April 2023

Review our organisational values

June 2023

Teaching and Learning:

Every child is empowered by the kaupapa of creating a healthy, peaceful, sustainable world through people teaching and learning together


August 2023

Board to select topic

Contact Us


Phone:  06 835 7890


66 Kennedy Road, Napier

PO Box 4298, Marewa, Napier

New Zealand

Mission and Vision Statements

Our Vision
Together we nurture your child and their identity as a learner

Our Mission:
To inspire tamariki to be competent and confident learners