Quick flowchart calculator
Access our quick flowchart calculator here to work out the cost of enrolling at kindergarten. Optional Charges There are no optional or excursion charges requested at any of our kindergartens. Family Donation A donation is a voluntary contribution. A Family Donation of $10 per week is requested from parents or caregivers for all children aged 3, 4, or 5 who are not charged a fee (refer fees section). |
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If you have two or more kindergarten children aged 3, 4, or 5 in your care who are not charged a fee, they are all covered by the one donation of $10 per week. This includes step children, foster children or extended family members who are either temporarily or permanently children in your care.
The Family Donation is only requested for periods when the kindergarten is open. It covers all hours attended at kindergarten ie the donation amount applies no matter how many hours your child/ren attend.
As Napier Kindergartens is a registered Charity, your donation is eligible for a Tax Rebate of 33.3333%. If you claim the rebate the effective cost of your $10 donation is $6.67 per week.
The Family Donation is payable to Napier Kindergartens and will be used across our kindergarten network to fund some of the direct operational costs of your kindergarten as well as indirect costs. Costs include such items as:
Kindergarten Support Workers
Telephone and internet, power, replacement equipment
Substantial, long term maintenance and repairs
Health and Safety issues
Insurance costs and insurance excess costs for claims made
We will disclose how we used donations received in our annual AGM reports.
We will provide you with a tax receipt for donations received at the end of each tax year or if they leave part way through the tax year, shortly after they leave.
Fees are not charged for children aged 3, 4 or 5 if
All of their hours at kindergarten are covered by the 20 Hours ECE funding they give their kindergarten OR
The child is enrolled for between 21 and 30 hours a week AND
their full 20 Hours Funding is given to their kindergarten AND
the child does not attend any session which is more than 6 hours long
This means if your child is attending more than 20 hours a week and we receive your child’s full 20 Hours funding, your child can attend those additional hours without being charged a fee for those additional hours, provided they are not attending any sessions which are more than 6 hours long.
Child attends kindergarten for 12 hours a week and gives kindergarten 12 hours of their 20 Hours ECE funding. No fee is charged.
Child attends kindergarten for 30 hours a week and gives kindergarten their full 20 Hours ECE Funding. No fee is charged for the additional 10 hours being accessed.
In these examples above a Family Donation of $10 per week is requested (as noted on the ‘Donation’ section above).
Fees are charged for children aged 3, 4 or 5 if
All or some of their 20 Hours ECE funding is attested (given) to another ECE provider AND as a consequence all or some of their hours at kindergarten are not covered by 20 Hours ECE funding
The child is enrolled for any session which is more than 6 hours long
Child attends kindergarten for 12 hours a week and gives kindergarten 6 hours of their 20 Hours ECE Funding. Charge is $30 per week (6 hours x $5).
Child attends kindergarten for 12 hours a week and gives kindergarten 0 hours of their 20 Hours ECE Funding. Charge is $60 per week (12 hours x $5).
Child attends kindergarten for 30 hours a week and gives kindergarten 12 hours of their 20 Hours ECE Funding. Charge is $90 per week (18 hours x $5) - the 8 hours not covered by their 20 Hours ECE funding plus the additional 10 hours being accessed.
Child attends kindergarten for 37.5 hours a week (5 days of 7.5 hours each) and gives kindergarten their full 20 hours ECE funding. Charge is $37.50 (7.5 hours x $5) - the additional 1.5 hours of each day exceeding 6 hours.
Child attends kindergarten for 37.5 hours a week and gives kindergarten 10 hours of their 20 Hours ECE funding. Charge is $137.50 (27.5 hours x $5).
Fees are charged for children aged 2
A fee for 2 year old children is payable.
If a 2 year old is enrolled for sessions which do not exceed 6 hours per session, fees will only be charged up to a maximum of 9 hours per week per child. In this case if the child attends for more than 9 hours per week, there are no additional hourly fee charges.
If a 2 year old is enrolled for any sessions which are more than 6 hours long, the fees are calculated as per the point above plus an additional fee is applied to all of the hours which exceed 6 per day.
Child attends kindergarten for 6 hours per week. Charge is $30 per week (6 hours x $5).
Child attends kindergarten for 9 hours per week (all sessions 6 hours or less). Charge is $45 per week (9 hours x $5).
Child attends kindergarten for 30 hours per week (all sessions 6 hours or less). Charge is $45 per week (9 hours x $5).
Child attends kindergarten for 13.5 hours per week (1 x 7.5 hour session, 1 x 6 hour session). Charge is $52.50 per week (9 hours x $5 + 1.5 hours x $5.00).
Child attends kindergarten for 31.5 hours per week (1 x 7.5 hour session, 4 x 6 hour sessions). Charge is $52.50 per week (9 hours x $5 + 1.5 hours at $5.00).
Child attends kindergarten for 37.5 hours per week (all sessions 7.5 hours). Charge is $82.50 per week (9 hours x $5 + 7.5 hours x $5).
No Family Donation is requested for 2 year old children.
kindergarten fees - terms and conditions
Absences - When at least 5 working days advance notice of an absence is given, fees for the days absent will be reduced by 50%, otherwise the normal fee rate applies. This includes absences due to illness. A credit against future fees or a refund will be given if the fee has already been paid in full before the fee reduction was applied.
Booking Fee - there is no booking fee for placing your child on a kindergarten waiting list.
Child Exclusion - No child shall be excluded from enrolling or continuing to be enrolled at kindergarten due to their parent or caregivers inability to pay fees, however the ability to enrol in sessions that are longer than 6 hours in length will be withdrawn if fees fall into arrears and no repayment arrangement is entered into, or a repayment arrangement entered into is not adhered to.
Family Fee Discount - A 10% discount applies when you have 2 or more children attending for whom a fee is charged.
Fee Contract - A contract agreement setting out Napier Kindergartens fee terms and conditions is required to be signed by the parent or caregiver. We advise parents to seek advice or clarification of the terms and conditions before signing the agreement.
Fee rates - Refer to the quick reference guide calculators.
Fee Rate Changes - Fee rates can be changed. At least 8 weeks’ notice will be given of any intention to increase fee rates.
Fee Reviews - Fee rates and fee policy terms and conditions will be reviewed at least once per year.
Fee Terms and Condition Changes - Fee terms and conditions can be changed. At least 8 weeks’ notice will be given of any intention to change fee terms and conditions.
Holding Fees - There are no holding fees charged.
Invoices - Invoices will be issued at the beginning of each term or when your child begins attending. Invoices will show the expected term fee based on your child’s enrolment information. If your child’s enrolment changes during the term, a new invoice will be issued.
Kindergarten Closed Days - fees are not charged for days the kindergarten is closed such as term breaks, teacher only days or statutory holidays.
Kindergartens Open During Term Breaks and Christmas - If a kindergarten is open for sessions during the traditional term breaks and Christmas break and parents choose not to send their children during those periods, the standard fee will not be charged and donations will not be requested for those periods. Fees and donations will be applied or requested for parents who opt to send their children during these periods.
Late Payment Penalty Charges - There are no late payment penalty charges applied.
Late Payment Interest Charges - There are no penalty interest charges applied on payments received late.
Payment Methods - Preferred method of payment is by automatic payment or internet banking but cheque or cash payments are also accepted. Each child is allocated a reference code that you need to use so we can identify whom to credit the bank payment to.
Payment Frequency - Payments can be made weekly, fortnightly, monthly or in full. Payment should be made in advance of sessions attended.
Problems With Payments - Please speak to your head teacher about payment options or if you prefer you can phone the Napier Kindergarten’s Finance Manager on 0800 000 063 pin 1227 for a confidential discussion about your circumstances.
Prompt Payment Discount - A 10% discount applies when you pay the full amount of your fee invoice within 2 weeks of the date on your invoice.
Statutory Holidays - Fee payment is not required for any statutory holiday that falls during normal term time. This will be automatically adjusted for in your invoice.
Unpaid Fees Recovery Action - Where a repayment arrangement for unpaid fees has not been entered into, or has not been adhered to, Napier Kindergartens reserves the right to take legal action to recover any unpaid fees. The cost of such action may be passed on to the debtor.
WINZ Subsidies - If parents are eligible fees may be paid in part or full by WINZ Childcare subsidies. WINZ payments are received weekly during term time. WINZ childcare subsidies can be applied for by both working and non working families, for between 3 and 50 hours of enrolment in early childhood education.