the joy of teaching, the love of learning

the joy of teaching, the love of learning


Read what people have to say about our kindergartens:

Bette Christie Kindergarten:

I just felt the need to send you a personal comment on my 2 visits to Bette Christie Kindergarten this term.
I have not been to Bette Christie before (despite visiting centres over the past ten years in my role as lecturer on the DipTeach ECE and BTECE at EIT Hawkes Bay).
I have had the privilege of watching many ECE centres evolve, change and grow in this time, so it was interesting to go into a well-established kindergarten with no idea of what to expect.
On my first visit I commented to Head Teacher, Kerry Hansen, what a warm and welcoming atmosphere the kindergarten had as I walked in. Its one of those intangible things that some centres have, and Bette Christie is one of these. As I observed the student I was there to visit, I couldn't help but notice the calmness of the children, the teachers and the environment in general - and I could see this was a busy place which was presenting its own unique challenges.

On my second visit to observe another student about a week or so later, I had the same sense of welcome and warmth when I came through the gates, and a quietness and calmness in the general runnning of the morning experiences and routines. It is easy, with roles of 30-plus to have noisy and hectic sessions. Despite the weather and the range of experiences and play the children were involved in, there were no loud voices or other overpowering sounds. Environments like these are to be commended. 

This is a credit to Kerry and her team who obviously work well with each other, and centre whanau and children, as well as incorporating student teachers well into centre life.
Helen Stewart MacKenzie.

"Many of my clients who have children at your kindergarten are singing your praises. They have seen the difference in their children's behaviour towards others and are loving the peacefulness they are sensing around their tamariki when they get home. Those clients whose children are not attending your kindergarten are wanting their tamariki to go to Bette Christie Kindergarten. Keep up the good work Bette Christie Kindergarten Team. You are creating an excellent name for yourselves in the community."  Dorothy Waitoa Kaiawhina - Whanau Toko I Te Ora, Maori Women's Welfare League.

"We are proud parents of 2 lovely daughters attending Bette Christie kindergarten, it took us awhile to find the right place for our children but when meeting with the teachers we knew this was the place. We have had the honor not only knowing our children are in a safe and caring environment but getting to know the teachers, children and parents has been rewarding. There is much respect for all children who attend and ourselves, we see it as a great learning place for our girls." M.N, Parent.

Carlyle Kindergarten:

Carlyle Kindergarten has provided both my daughter Olivia and my son Thomas with an amazing start to their education. From the moment you walk in the gate you feel welcome and part of the caring and nurturing atmosphere. The staff are enthusiastic, dedicated and passionate about the learning opportunities they provide and most importantly the children they teach. They are very approachable and always had time to discuss the progress of my child and any concerns I had. The programme they offer is motivating, engaging and challenging. It caters for the wide range of children that attend and is always evolving around the children's interests and inquiry. During the sessions the children are taught values which are important in preparing them for being a part of the world. These are modeled through the staff's actions and words everyday. Carlyle Kindergarten has been part of a technology contract so the staff are highly skilled in this area and the children are able to work with the most up to date technology to create movies and e books.   Olivia and Thomas have had so many opportunities which has seen them grow in confidence and the skills they needed to be ready for school. Most of all my children have loved going to Carlyle Kindergarten. Thank you for all the time and effort you have put into my children!!" Leigh Golding, parent.

Eskview Kindergarten:

(Con't from previous page)The kindergarten participates in the Enviroschools programme which aims to support children to plan, design and implement sustainability actions that are important to them and their communities.  Being involved in this programme also links directly with Eskdale School, which also participates, and again links together.  The children learn to care & protect their environment, often taking initiatives home and sharing their thoughts  with siblings and families.  We particularly  enjoy the annual festivities which promote relationships with extended family and community.  We look forward to annual events such as Bike-a-thon, Grandparents Day & Mr Cunninghams garden walk.  More recently thematic week which involves parents sharing their skills with the children has been extremely interesting broadening the children's knowledge.  A cooking week focusing on sharing, preparing and tasting international cuisine ended in role play where the children took orders and served customers in cafe.  Overall we cannot recommend Eskview Kindergarten enough.  A positive & nurturing start to our children's education is both appreciated and will be cherished for years to come.  A Taylor

I have been very impressed by all aspects of Eskview Kindergarten.  The teachers all provide a welcoming atmosphere to parents, children and siblings.  Effort is really put into getting to know the children and their world outside of kindergarten.  They are understanding of children's individual needs and encourage then appropriately.  Teachers are approachable and always happy to discuss children's progress.  I am thrilled with the difference and interesting activities organised for the children to participate in and also the amount of Te Reo which is incorporated into the daily programme. events like the bike-a-thon and garden walk are well organised and thoroughly enjoyed by both children and whanau. The environment and facilities at Eskview Kindergarten are amazing.  I appreciate the wonderful and hugely important job the teachers do in preparing our children for their future learning and would highly recommend Eskview Kindergarten as a wonderful place for children to begin their education.     C Lee (parent)

“At Eskview Kindergarten I find all the staff loving towards all the children, caring not only towards the children but for all the extended families as well. They all get involved in the day to day play with the children, and enjoy creating new and wonderful ways for children to learn through play. My son just loves attending there every day and thinks of all the teachers as personal friends which as a family we do as well. I highly recommend this kindergarten to anyone as it has made a huge difference in our lives. They have accepted my son as the unique little man that he is and have encouraged him to further develop the certain interests and abilities that he has. Debbie, Parent.

"As parents of twins starting kindergarten, we had concerns about our children being treated as individuals, whilst still having the bond between twins fostered. It was immediately apparent to us that we had no cause for concern at Eskview Kindergarten, as the dedication and professionalism of the teachers made sure our children were cared for in every way.  We have been amazed at the commitment and genuine love that comes from the teachers at Eskview. Our children settled quickly at kindergarten, and not only enjoy going but have flourished and grown in so many ways. The teachers at Eskview seem to enjoy teaching and it is a great relief as a parent to leave your children somewhere that you feel they will be not only looked after, but cared for and loved.  The Kindergarten has great facilities allowing children to learn and develop at a speed that suits them, whilst being encouraged along the way. It caters for a huge range of different interests that the children may have, and our children have come home at times as little barrels of information!   We feel part of the community of Eskview Kindergarten, and can not recommend it highly enough to anyone considering sending their child there."  Duane and Niki Knowles, Parents

"Children are able to make choices.  The teachers set limits within which children feel safe and able to explore and achieve  whatever they set their mind to. They are genuinely loved. The individual personalities of my children are celebrated and nurtured. The teachers encourage my children to think humanely, to consider others, to consider the world around them and to consider our community and tangata whenua.My children's worlds are enriched with experiences that extend beyond the kindergarten boundaries.Each night when I turn on the news, I am reminded how critical the emotional, physical and spiritual safety of my children is.  When my children come to Eskveiw Kindergarten I know they are cared for in each of these ways.I trust the teachers explicitly and feel grateful that our family is so woven into the Kindergarten fabric."

Greenmeadows Kindergarten:

To the team at Greenmeadows Kindergarten, thanks for being so enthusiastic, innovative, approachable, fun, adventurous, inclusive and educational!  Ellie has adored her time here.  Chris & Emma M

Words don't really seen enough!  We are so grateful to you all for absolutely everything you have done for our girls!  We kmow just how lucky we have been to have the knowledge, skills and caring of such a brilliant team.  We will miss you (but will come back to visit).
Many many thanks.  Gorringe Family

We could not have asked for a more nurturing, warm and friendly environment.  You are a vibrant and enthusiastic team who has both fostered Vincent's interests, and challenged him.  Most of all, you have made Greemeadows Kindergarten a fun place to be.
  Nicole B (Parent)

On behalf of Jorja, Grant, Ang, Maddi and Rylee we would like to thank you for being a big part of our lives over the last six years.  All three girls have been through Greenmeadows Kindergarten and have grown and learnt and we have all found wonderful friends from our time here.  McIntyre Family

My first experience with Greenmeadows Kindergarten was when my eldest son began when he was 3.  I found the staff approachable and welcoming, who put me at ease instantly, as I had concerns about putting my son into the right environment as he was excruciatingly shy and had become distressed with his previous early childhood centre.  As well as putting me at ease they welcomed Theo enthusiastically and showed great awareness to his shyness but also gently encouraged him to participate and cope on his own and with his peers.  He was speaking to staff within the second visit (a highly unusual thing for him) and developed wonderful relationships with staff and formed lasting friendships.  The staff also nurtured his close relationship with his cousin while extending his interaction with other children.  The opportunities and activities the Greenmeadows Kindergarten supplied helped develop Theo's curiousity, skills and thirst for knowledge so that timing for beginning school was perfect.  Theo finished kindergarten (which was quite an emotional time for him and I) as a very confident, out-going, curious, gentle, kind soul - with a great sense of humour which I feel the staff at Greenmeadows Kindergarten had helped nurture and made his transition to school a very easy, enjoyable experience. I was so thrilled with our time at Greenmeadows that I enrolled my youngest son and waited on the waiting list, without going elsewhere, till he got in.  I have the same good feelings about the staff and environment at Greenmeadows Kindergarten this time even though this son has a completely different personality.  Finally as a primary school teacher, I realise the importance of great early childhood care, to set our children up for positive, fun learning leading into their school years, and feel Greenmeadows Kindergarten have all the right attributes needed.  Thank you for the wonderful job you all do in caring, nurturing and enjoying my children.  Donna B (Parent)

Marewa Kindergarten:

We are so glad we chose Marewa Kindergarten. The teachers seem to know our daughter so well and really encourage her development as an individual and as a social being within a group. Our daughter is very imaginative, lively and sensitive and her ‘fantasies’ are always embraced and extended with genuine enthusiasm and there are plenty of wonderful resources to stimulate her inquisitive mind!  We love seeing her grow in confidence and relish sharing her many kindy experiences with us. We believe the teachers’ wealth of experience, in particular, their calm, considered and genuine modelling of positive relationships in which each person (including us as parents) feels valued, is  the key to the emotionally stable environment the kindy provides - the kind of environment which promotes a great base for lifelong learning! The best reward for us is having a happy, engaged and confident girl who looks forward to going to ‘her kindy’ every day.  P. Robertshaw and M.Bucheler, parents

I love Marewa Kindergarten. Teachers are truly lovely, caring, considerate, and have a wealth of expertise and experience in early childhood development and education. My son, who is now four and a half years old, has benefited enormously by attending Marewa Kindergarten. He started a month before he turned three, settling in quickly, and truly loves coming to kindy to play with his friends, have fun and learn. Marewa Kindergarten offers a very positive, philosophically sound play and learning environment for children. It is also multicultural, which has manifested itself in my son singing ‘twinkle twinkle little star” in Japanese, and our national anthem in te reo Maori, and can even practice his German with one of the teachers.
My daughter, who turns three in one month’s time has just started kindy, loves to come and has fitted in very quickly.  Teachers have been very accommodating towards my individual situation, tailoring a programme of attendance for my daughter based on my needs as a single father, who does not drive, and with two children in two different age groups.
I can only speak very highly of Anne, Kay, Madoka, Karen, Tash and Tangi. They do an awesome job, and this shows in the children they teach and care for. David Jujnovich, parent,

I have 4 children, all went to Marewa Kindy. In this time I have found the knowledge that they have gained has been outstanding. My oldest Zane, now 19years, learnt to stop look and listen -he so needed to know these as he was a full on child! My second son Zak, was a shy cuddly boy Kindy taught him to have pride in what he does and gave him the most amazing self-confidence, to now seek the highest in all he does. My 3rd boy Toby, learnt how to climb and take turns, he learnt his abc’s and to count 1 to 10 before he started school. It also taught him trust,  rules an guidelines and this skill has taken him a long way, as now shop owners want to hire him to work at age 12 due to this skill. Wonderfully now my wee girl, number 4, Lillyapple is there. Wow she has learnt to walk not run, take turns, painting, rainbows, reading, talking, learnt to make her own sandwich, pour her own drink, how to say hi and bye, how to ask for things, even how to do things safely. I have noticed a huge change in my wee girl since she started Kindy but this is only thanks to the outstanding teachers and their wonderful time, skill and patience they have, you can really see the care and love for the children. Thanks heaps, Blue Tiger. Parent

To Anne and Team,
 There are not enough words to thank you and the team, for all the kindness and consideration and support you have shown at a very vulnerable stage in Sophia's development. I always felt that I had backup when I found myself in an unexpected position of caring for my granddaughter after the death of her mother. Even though it was expected, it still came as a shock.
It was a bit like getting back on a bike again, with your team as the training wheels.
I would recommend the Marewa Kindy to everyone, especially Grandparents dropped in the deep-end.

Our son transferred from another kindergaten at the beginning of this year and has settled in very well.  The staff have been very welcoming and friendly.  Their caring nature has made the transition smooth and our child continues to enjoy his kindergarten experience at Marewa.  It has been great to see his confidence grow and we look forward to our second child starting soon. L Beale, Parent

Marewa Kindergarten has provided my 3 year old Ryan with more than enough to satisfy a curious mind. There’s a broad range of activities which helps pre-schoolers to build confidence and develop skills allowing an easier transition into primary school.The environment is happy and welcoming with a real feeling of community spirit. I have watched my son gain confidence during the time he has been there. Thanks to the teachers for nurturing the children and helping them feel valued. My 2 year old son also seems very enthusiastic to start kindy. Therefore I’m positive he will settle in as easily as his Brother did.  S  Gilbert, Parent

My three year old son (William) has recently transferred to Marewa Kindergarten and he’s loving it. The teachers are great; really helpful and encouraging. The grounds and buildings are well kept so you know the kids have a safe place in which to have fun, burn energy and learn. My daughter is a few years away from kindy age but she will definitely be going to Marewa kindy.S Higginson, Parent

Mary Richmond Kindergarten:
Since starting Mary Richmond Kindy, my daughter has learnt so much.  She's writing her own name, and mum and dad, all at the age of 3!  It's just a happy environment that makes her feel safe and the friendly teachers that are so supportive of her.  I could not think of a better place for her to be.   Jodie H (Parent)

Mary Richmond Kindergarten is a hidden gem, tucked away at the end of a driveway in Maraenui.  It has beautifully landscaped gardens with every play thing imaginable, and a resident rabbit called Stuart that hops freely around looking for pats.
The teachers Liz, Tabatha, Linaire and Kathleen are all very special ladies that have a genuine love for teaching children.  They provide a wonderfully nurturing and calm environment where amongst other things they practice Mindfulness, which helps kids to understand and process their feelings.
All three of my children have been lucky enough to attend Mary Richmond Kindy and I couldn't hope for a better place for them to begin their education.  Not only is it a lovely environment, but the fees are just $10 per week from the age of 3 and they are always looking for more children to fill their roll.  My daughter, Anika who has just turned 3 is now on full days (8:45-2:45) which is great for helping preparing her for school.
I wouldn't hesitate to recommend Mary Richmond Kindergarten to anyone for quality childcare.
Kirsty BP  (Parent)

Olivah has been attending Mary Richmond kindergarten since 2008. From the first moment I walked into the kindergarten the lovely ladies have done everything they can to help Olivah grow and be the little boy he has become. Ollie needed to have speech lessons outside of kindergarten time, when the ladies were informed they were very helpful in wanting to learn and listen to what Ollie was doing and his hand signals (cued articulation). He and everyone had to learn to help Ollie with his speech the ladies took time out during their own time. Ollie loves it here so much he had loads of fun he has never come home and said he hasn’t had a good day. Mary Richmond has so much to offer for the children, so much to do each and every day. Ollie is now five and will be leaving Mary Richmond Kindergarten and I know he will miss this place with all his heart.”  Sharlene Needham (Parent)

Nga Tamariki O Nga Hau E Wha Kindergarten:
" The experience I had was very helpful - the ladies were able to help both me & my child to separate.  It gives us both independence and my son has made wonderful friends and is learning a lot from the other children.  The atmosphere is relaxing - there is a nice feeling about the kindergarten". Teresa
 Onekawa Kindergarten:

“We found Onekawa Kindergarten to be an amazing place. The friendly happy relaxed environment is a credit to the wonderful teachers who go above and beyond to ensure every child reaches their full potential. The activities are always interesting and the teachers always come up with new and creative ways to extend the children in their current interests.

Our daughter started kindergarten extremely shy and all the staff helped her develop skills to overcome her shyness and at her 5 year old mat time she was able to talk in front of the whole kindy group and is now completely ready for school.

Onekawa Kindergarten will always hold happy memories for our family. Thank you”. Katrina and John 
“It has been a great year with you all but I have to go off to school. Thanks for a lot of fun at kindy. I’ll miss you all, so good bye”. Clayton aged 8

“Thank you for looking after me at kindy I really appreciate it. I am going to miss you guys so much”. Calais aged 7

“To all the teachers, I’m not going to come back to kindy anymore”. Savannah-Rose aged 5

“Thank you so much for everything you have done for my family throughout the last few years. You create such a welcoming, caring and compassionate atmosphere. Our time with you all has been so happy and I know we’ll all miss you, however I leave with some wonderful memories as I know the rest of my family does also”.
Amy, Craig, Clayton, Calais and Savannah-Rose

"We cannot thank the teachers enough for the wonderful input they have had in our daughter’s life over the past two years. Her skills and confidence have developed wonderfully well since she has been at Onekawa Kindergarten, and she has developed many wonderful friendships, and is the happiest she’s ever been. She is well set up for continuing her educational journey and much credit goes to all you wonderful people at kindy.
I have told other parents I would drive across town just to bring my children to Onekawa Kindergarten and that is a sentiment shared by the other parents as well. Thank you with all our hearts for the special place you’ve had in our child’s life, and we look forward to when our son begins his special time at Onekawa Kindergarten. The Davies family,

“Thank you so much for having us at your kindy. We have very much enjoyed our journey with you all and you will all be in our hearts forever”.  The Hill Petia Whanau,

“We want to say thank you for giving our children such a fantastic preschool education. Onekawa Kindergarten has a warm, welcoming feeling and this is made even more so by you wonderful teachers. Our three children have all enjoyed every minute of kindy and we will leave you with fond memories. We will miss you and your friendly faces”.
The Baker family,

“ Thank you for making my child’s time at kindy fun and exciting. She has learnt so much and has made such great friendships along the way!!!  We know we made the right choice by sending her to Onekawa Kindergarten, we have many lovely memories to take away with us”. Melissa,

‘Our girls have had the best start to their schooling lives at Onekawa Kindy. We have experienced something really special and will remember it forever’. Nat and family,
Thank you to the teachers for what you have done for my son, making his kindergarten experience enjoyable and he had the greatest trust in all of you. Our family thanks you, all our children have passed through your kindy and you have given them the greatest start to life. Rachel and family

Tena koutou katoa. Thank you for the tumeke care that you have given our son throughout the year. It has been an amazing rerenga (journey) and we can’t thank the teachers enough. To the tamariki o te Onekawa Kindergarten- it was a pleasure to meet awesome tamariki, ka mau te wehi!! Kia ora kaiako. Kia ora to everyone at Onekawa Kindergarten. Jimima and Robert,
Thank you for all of the wonderful days that our daughter has had at kindy. She has had a really positive experience at Onekawa Kindy and know she will treasure those memories and look back in years to come with a smile. She will miss you all very much now she is off to school. The Bryant Family,

"Onekawa Kindergarten has been such a warm and wonderful learning experience for my son Kayden. He has shown significant impovements in his social and behavioural skills (after a short period of time) and is enjoying the abundance of creative and outdoor activities. The teachers have been fantastic, reliable and informative - and have shown a genuine interest in my sons wellbeing. I would highly recommend Onekawa Kindergarten to any family considering early childhood education, and would like to thank the staff for their hospitality, flexibility, kindness and support. Many Thanks."  Jessica Walsh, parent,

“Thank you so much for the love,  learning, and kind attention given to my child. She has been so happy at her kindy, and enjoyed her time with you all and her friends”. Tanya, parent.

“Thank you for all your kindness to my children over their years at Onekawa Kindergarten. You made my job easy when I walked out the gate because I knew in my heart my children were safe and had caring passionate teachers looking after them. They both had fun, amazing times and lots of sharing with staff and their friends.” Anna B, Parent,

"My daughter LOVED her two years at kindy. You all taught her the tools she needs for school and life!"  Maryse M, parent, February 2010.

" Thank you for the nurturing and educating of our 3rd child.  He has had two fabulous years and will miss kindergarten immensely.  He is well prepared for school."  Heidi (parent),

Pirimai Kindergarten:

"Pirimai Kindy was recommended to us by a friend who had her son there. We are so impressed with Pirimai Kindy. Our son absolutely loves going there. The staff are amazing, they go the extra mile to support our son (and all the children). They are professional, approachable, kind wonderful teachers. I could not think of a better place for our son to start his education. The hours are great, facilities are fantastic with a great environment. The kids are happy and thriving."Rachel Berkhan (Parent),

"I’ve had four children attend Pirimai kindy. The whanau program is such a wonderful environment; my grandson is now enrolled at Pirimai kindergarten.“ Ellen A ,parent,

“My sometimes anxious son has progressively become more confident at Kindergarten thanks to the support and understanding of his teachers. Teachers have been creative in drawing out his personality and he feels a strong sense of pride in ‘his kindy”’. As I watch him play happily with his friends and teachers I could not be happier with our experience at Pirimai Kindergarten.” R Clark, Parent,

"My child has learnt so much since joining Pirimai kindergarten. It’s such a happy and loving environment, even my two year old feels at home there. I can't speak more highly of the teachers, they are such wonderful, loving, caring people” L.J.  Parent, 23 Nov 2009."I was so thankful to find Pirimai Kindergarten when we moved to Napier. Pirimai Kindergarten has a very friendly atmosphere which is great for Parents and children to be part of. The outdoor space is excellent for my boys to run around in and the teachers put in a lot of effort to keep play fresh and interesting. Dylan was sold on the place when he saw the boat and jetty, but I was won over by the wonderful staff.”   Jessica Sandbrook, parent

"I have been very happy with the wonderful program at Pirimai Kindergarten. I have sent both of our children and have found that is a comfortable environment, the materials are engaging, the curriculum is enriching, and most importantly, the teachers are outstanding. I highly recommend Pirimai Kindergarten to any family looking for a high-quality, friendly, Kindergarten." - Rochelle S parent

"My child has learnt so much since joining Pirimai kindergarten. It’s such a happy and loving environment, even my two year old feels at home there. I can't speak more highly of the teachers, they are such wonderful loving caring people” L.J.  Parent,

“Both my children love their time at Pirimai kindergarten. The wonderful teaching team are nurturing and provide rich learning experiences and a real sense of community. The kindergarten is a part of our extended family.”  M. Bowie Parent

"My third child has recently started Riversdale Kindergarten, following in the footsteps of her two elder brothers.  The transition to kindy was made easy with a weekly playgroup to familarise her with the kindy environment before she started daily kindy.  The kind and welcoming teachers made sure that she felt happy to come to kindy each morning and she has quickly settled into a routine.
Riversdale Kindergarten has a very happy and fun feel, with encouraging teachers that have helped each of my children to develop immensely over their two years at kindy.  The immaculate and spacious grounds mean there is plenty of running around and I am always impressed by how the children are encouraged to be outside playing and trying new things.  The addition of the new Archgola outdoor classroom has been great for allowing these outside activities to continue rain or shine, and has made the kindergarten feel fresh, modern and spacious."  Parent A Botha 

"Riversdale kindergarten provides a safe, friendly and positive enviroment for pre-school children.  My daughter loves coming  here and enjoys all the creative, imaginative and challenging opportunites provided for her. I love watching her social skills and confidence grow.  The teachers are very encouraging and always open and available to talk.  We also enjoy the way the children are encouraged to participate in nature based play and time outdoors".  Andrea H

"Riversdale Kindergarten has been a great experience for our whole family. Both of my children have attended and have really enjoyed their experience.  My daughter currently attends the kindy. One of her favourite things to do is play with her friends in the family corner where they have everything to play with from dress ups to cooking and setting the table. There is a wide variety of activities for the children to try, from woodwork, music, e - books and the everyday things sandpit, painting, swings, slides and much more.  The teachers are friendly and approachable, they are happy to help you and your child however they can.  One aspect of teaching that I really like is that they let the children learn at their own pace yet guide them with whatever they are doing encouraging them along the way.  I am happy to recommend Riversdale Kindergarten to anyone that is looking for a great place to send their child."  Andrea W

“With my second son now attending Riversdale Kindy, again we see the friendliness and caring of the staff, an aspect that made it a memorable time for my first son.”  Melanie Cole, parent,

Tamatea Kindergarten:

'My son has been attending Tamatea Kindergarten since May of this year. First at the afternoon session, now at morning. Knowing he had never been left in a day care or any other form of care, other than family, he was a bit worried of being without Mum. But the teachers and staff are so caring and welcoming that from the first day of attending I knew I’d made the right choice of Kindy for my son. The staff are wonderful, the activities are fun, they have a great outdoor area and I feel secure knowing I’ve left my son in good care to grow, learn and achieve.
So thank you Tamatea Kindy for making me and my son and family ‘happy little campers’. M. Dallimore, Parent,
'My son Devon loves attending Tamatea Kindergarten. The teachers have always made us feel welcome. Tamatea Kindergarten provides a safe and fun environment for all children to learn and grow. I would recommend Tamatea Kindergarten to any parent and with young children.'
T. Williams, Parent
'Tamatea Kindergarten is a warm, caring environment for children to grow and explore life. An excellent place for kids to be kids and learn along the way. The teachers make everyone feel welcome, like you are part of a big family, and the children thrive in the environment. No one can ask for more. Thank you Tamatea Kindy for giving my children the best possible start to their preschool  learning. It’s much appreciated.'
S. Anderson, Parent,

“Thank you so much for giving my child so many wonderful experiences at you Kindergarten. He has loved it.” Kaleigh S, parent,

Thank you for the love and support that you have shown us over the time we have been here. Heather G, parent,

“Thank you so much for all the love, care and encouragement you have given Emily during her time at kindy. She has learnt and developed so much through her learning and role playing at kindy” Sandra D, parent,

“Thank you for helping to build her confidence, for your inspired teaching, the sound morals and the fun and nurturing environment you provide” Sarah C, parent,

 Taradale Kindergarten:

Dear Karen and Team
I sit here and try to put my thoughts of gratitude into words and it just seems like it is not enough.  We dropped Febe off almost 2 years ago, uncertain of how it all would go, today we look back and want to say thank you for the amazing role that you played in developing our confident little girl.  You helped develop her curiosity, embraced her uniqueness - especially appreciating her one of a kind sense of humour.  Her language and vocabulary are fantastic which were big concerns for us being 2nd language English speakers - we know you played a big role in that.  She can play in fantasy worlds in which she finds bizarre uses for regular items in the house.  You have created a whole new world in her imagination.  Thank you, thank you, thank you for the love, the learning, the laughter and the support you have given Febe.  The memories made at Taradale kindergarten will stay with us all forever.  All the best for the future, we will see you soon.  "The Oppermans"

"You are such an amazing team, combining so well to create this truly fantastic learning environment. You all seem so genuinely interested in the children and in ensuring that their days are fun, focused and full of challenges." Annie, Kindergarten mother

 Te Awanga Kindergarten:

We are beyond grateful for the incredible experience our daughter has had at Te Awanga Kindy. From the moment she stepped through the doors, it was evident that this was more than just a kindy—it was a nurturing haven where children thrive and grow in a loving environment.
The care and attention given by the teachers are unparalleled. They are teachers and so much more, completely engaged and invested in every aspect of the children's lives. Their dedication ensures that each child feels seen, heard, and valued every step of the way.
One of the most remarkable aspects of Te Awanga Kindy is the endless array of activities and learning experiences. Every week brings a new adventure, and it's always exciting to see what the children will be exploring next. Whether it's diving into science experiments, unleashing creativity through arts and crafts, or discovering the wonders of nature in the fantastic outdoor facilities, there's never a dull moment.
The outdoor facilities are great. With beautiful shade protections and ample shady spots, even the hottest days are enjoyable for the children. The expansive outdoor space provides the perfect backdrop for exploration, play, and learning, and I love seeing how much joy it brings to the kids. The playhouse, swings, climbing frames, huge sandpit and groaning vegetable garden - kids paradise!
Te Awanga Kindy's sense of community and warmth permeates every corner. It's not just a place of education; it's a home away from home where children feel welcomed, supported, and encouraged to be their best selves.
We feel incredibly fortunate to have Te Awanga Kindy and its outstanding team as part of our community. It's more than just a kindy—it's a place where our daughter has thrived, made lifelong memories, and laid the foundation for a bright future. Thank you, Te Awanga Kindy, for being such a special place for children to play, learn, and develop. We are truly grateful.

G Butler May 2024

“We have started at Te Awanga Kindergarten almost 2 years ago, when we moved here. Since our first step in the kindergarten we felt welcomed and my daughter started full time after just 2 visits. Her younger brother has now started and the feelings have just grown. They teachers here are great and provide prefect environment for young minds and bodies to grow. Thank you for taking good care of my children and for everything you teach them. When they get home they start singing and applying all the songs and games they learn here. Thank you again.”

A Branescu   March 2021

My granddaughter has loved every single moment of her two years at Te Awanga kindy. There is surely no higher recommendation than that!

I believe she feels like that because the teachers there achieve the perfect balance of fimness, fairness, kindness and fun as the children engage in the huge array of activities they make available.

Add to that the beautiful country-coastal setting and an appreciation of the natural world, and what better environment could there be for a child's early learning and awareness of social values.

What a great start these children get!'  Lynda J, 

"From the moment we first visited Te Awanga Kindergarten we felt welcomed into the kindergarten community.  The Kindergarten is a beautiful and stimulating environment but what we appreciate the most is the quality and continuity of the wonderful teachers.  They have supported our daughter during her first year at Kindergarten and we are enjoying watching her continual development into a confident and self assured little girl."  Sarah

With four children & four kindy's under our belts we all, as a family feel blessed with this our last, Te Awanga kindergarten.  The love and respect that the teachers show towards the children, parents, caregivers and each other is infectious! 

I have found Te Awanga kindergarten to be a very welcoming, relaxed, fun & safe environment.  My son shifted from another kindergarten when we shifted to the area, he settled in quickly and had a fantastic year that prepared him brilliantly for school.  We are so fortunate that a year later my daughter now has the same teachers my son had.  They are caring, supportive, devoted and genuinely interested in my children's development and wellbeing.  They always have time for a chat and to fill me in on my child's day, create fabulous moments with their learning stories and make every session interesting and unique.  The kindergarten itself has a beautiful rural outlook and is a wonderful place to be.  The wider community supports and contributes to the family atmosphere. 
We love Te Awanga kindergarten!  Our eldest began in late 2009 and with my second daughter being only 6 mths old the session times really suited me as a Mum fitting perfectly around the babies sleep times.  Now my baby has become a "senior" at kindergarten and she is a confident, self assured, lovely little girl ready for school.  The session times now work in very well with school as my my eldest who was at kindergarten in 2009 is now a year 3.  There is such a wide range of possibilities available in ECE but we are so pleased with the choice we made in having our daughters attend Te Awanga Kindergarten and the fanatic learning through play that happen there.  The transitions have been seamless the friendships invaluable and the fun immense.  Our girls have loved kindergarten and we as a family have loved the sense of belonging and the relationship we (and our daughters) have had with the teachers.  We are going to miss kindergarten and we will embrace many fond memories of our time with you. The Holland Family

Our son loved every minute of his time at Te Awanga kindergarten.  The staff are very caring and understanding of each childs's individual needs.  Come rain or shine, there is always a calm atmosphere.  We feel very fortunate to have our son attend this wonderful kindergarten.

I have found Te Awanga Kindergarten to be a very welcoming, relaxed, fun & safe environment.  My son transferred from another kindergarten when we shifted to the area, he settled in quickly and had a fantastic year that prepared him brilliantly for school.  We are fortunate that a year later our daughter now has the same teachers our son had.  They are caring, supportive, devoted and genuinely interested in my children's development and wellbeing.  They always have time for a chat and fill me in on my child's day, creating fabulous moments with their learning stories and make every session interesting and unique.  The kindergarten itself has a beautiful rural outlook and is a wonderful place to be.  The wider community supports and contributes to the family atmosphere. Tracy

"The staff and facilities at Te Awanga Kindergarten are fabulous.  My son loves going there.  The ladies are very warm and caring; the resources and equipment available to the kids are outstanding; and overall it is a fantastic kindergarten which provides a very nurturing and stimulating environment. Thanks so much.Jacqui, Parent

"When our son first started attending Te Awanga Kindy there were a lot of changes going on in his life, in that he was leaving his previous daycare and friends of 3 years and we were expecting our 2nd baby the same week he started kindy. So we as parents wanted a place where he would feel secure, have a stable environment and develop his confidence and experiences. We couldn't have asked for a better transition for him - we started with 2 days and before we knew it he was asking to go along every day (incl weekends!). As a new mum at the kindy when initially entering the kindy the teachers made me feel very welcome and reassured me of how they intended on making our son's time at Te Awanga kindy a positive one. I am always kept informed about what the children are learning about whether it be the worm farm, planting herbs or building paper mache volcanoes. It's a great kindy and I definitely recommend it to other families". A Quinlivan, Parent,

" Our child has been at Te Awanga Kindergarten for a few months now nad she has settled in so well, she really looks forward to kindy days with anticipation and always has lots to say about her busy mornings there. The staff are great, very friendly and approachable and we are really looking forward to our future involvement with the kindy." The Robinson Family,

"Te Awanga Kindergarten is a high efficient, well managed kindergarten.The staff display great skills and knowledge which is vital for the development of pre school children. My two children have benefited greatly from the kindergarten, they have become confident and excited about learning new skills and are made to feel safe and listened to by the dedicated teachers. Te Awanga Kindergarten is a positive learning environment."  Parent,

"Our son has developed and improved in his confidence,social skills and personality so much which is due to the Te Awanga kindergartens teachers, skills and caring. All the children are like a big happy family in the environment created for them by their parents and the teachers.Our son is very fortunate to be a part of this family and to be looked after and learn from such caring and dedicated teachers;we thank you sincerely." P & P Batchelor, parents,

"Our family has been with Te Awanga Kindergarten for six years. During this time our children have enjoyed many fun hours there. Some of the wonderful things they have done include learning about dinosaurs, about camping, baking and playing librarians, visiting maraes and other kindergartens. Te Awanga Kindergarten has plenty of indoor space and outdoor space for a child to zoom around, especially great for boys who need that physical play."
"What can we has a lovely relaxed atmosphere, is set in vineyards with beautiful ocean views and the longer hours make an easy transition for school." S & D Foster
Their daughter Bramble says "My kindy is special because it has a cottage and a bench and a swing and sandpit and lots of puzzles."

"I am so thankful  for Te Awanga kindergarten giving my daughter such a fabulous start in her years of education.  The skills that she has learnt from kindy and the experiences that she has been given have been such  a huge help to her in the few weeks that she has now been at school.  It has been such a lovely experience for us all being involved in such a loving and caring centre and we are now very much looking forward to our next daughter starting there in the near future." N Peacocke, parent,

Kia ora

Te Awanga Kindergarten is situated in an area with beautiful surroundings.A relaxed atmosphere where staff and parents mingle together and children interact together. The staff are very nice and work hard at their jobs and different activities within the kindy.The day to day set up is easy for children to find which activity they prefer to play at. Having an older child and one at Te Awanga Kindergarten now I would not hesitate to inform new parents about Te Awanga Kindergarten."   A very satisfied parent,

"There is such a wide range of possibilites available for early childhood education. We love the choice we made in having our daughter attend Te Awanga Kindergarten and the fantastic learning through play."The session times really suit me as a mum, fitting around sleeps and meal times of the rest of the family.  As a family we have felt fully supported during the process of settling into kindergarten late last year. We are very much looking forward to continuing the kindergarten experience with our second child when she is ready."
"At Te Awanga Kindergarten we feel a sense of belonging." The Holland family, Aug 2010
Wairoa Kindergarten:

"I love how the Kindy involves you into their activities and the Love they show towards one another"

S . Tutu (2 children at kindergarten), March 2021

Wharerangi Kindergarten:

Our family discovered Wharerangi kindergarten just before our son turned 4 years old.
We had been recommended this kindergarten on a number of occasions and even though it is not too close to our house we thought we would check it out.  After spending a little bit of time there one morning I knew that our son would be well looked after and I didn't need to look any further.
The problems we had (or maybe thought we had) were soon laid to rest with the wisdom and experience of the teachers, they embraced our son for who he was and enjoyed his exuberance, he flourished under their care and attention - I felt very well supported.
By the time school came around he was ready for the next step.  His new entrant teacher noticed the familiarity and confidence he showed with literacy and I can only attribute this to the "Phonics' programme that is run so enthusiatically at kindergarten.
We found the teachers to be fresh, modern and ultra professional and we really love the warmth that emanated from Wharerangi kindergarten. 
                                  Zella & Jason
My name is Trish, and my daughter Ruby is in her last week with Wharerangi Kindergarten.
As we approach our last days with the kindy, I thought I’d take the opportunity to let you know how pleased we’ve been with her early childhood education experience there.
Teachers Kirsty, Ange, Marg and Tina have been fabulous educators to all the children. They’re patient, caring, funny and creative. We’ve had lots of laughs and all enjoyed Ruby’s development over the past couple of years. Each of the teachers have treated Ruby with respect and empowered her to learn so much through their guidance and the environment they have created. They’ve nurtured her personality and, like us, enjoyed her sense of humour and enthusiasm for life. She has loved the phonics programme and we’ve found it excellent, as she learns to recognise letters and sound out words to spell - we look forward to her joining Year 0 at Arthur Miller School with all these new skills.
 Ruby really wears her heart on her sleeve so I know how much she loves her teachers and how much she will miss them. We will miss them too! We wish them all the very best and know that the parents sending their children to Wharerangi are leaving them in excellent hands. T Scott & C Sidoruk, Parents

We have seen our child go from strength to strength at Wharerangi. It is always a welcoming and friendly atmosphere and completely child focused. The children are taught to care about one another and play nicely together. As a parent it is nice to feel that you don’t have to rush away when you drop your child off, so you are able to see for yourself how things operate. It has been a nice way to introduce our children to kindergarten. It is also great to see the teaching aspects at Wharerangi, especially phonics. Thank you for your support and family friendly kindergarten. Tony and Lisa Harrington, parents,

I have had two of my children that have attended Wharerangi Kindergarten, and I am glad I chose this Kindergarten. The teachers are passionate about the children and they are always caring and welcoming new families.  Thank you Wharerangi Kindergarten.
Bernadette Lawrence, parent,

Wharerangi Kindergarten is a positive, happy and friendly learning environment. The teachers are an amazing team of educators, with individual personalities and strengths that combined make a very successful teaching team. My children have flourish in this wonderful early childhood centre and have grown both socially and educationally!  I am very proud to be part of this kindergarten. Thanks so much. Katrina Lee, parent,

We love the teachers and the garden (anon,

The caring and support you show to the children and the parents- W Morris, parent 

Awesome teacher, A Stoney, parent

The lovely, warm feeling walking into kindy, Anon

Its a FUN place to come to every time, J Pilmer, parent

The teachers are so passionate towrads the children, Bernie, parent

Smiley faces - Calebs Family,

Every child is respected and celebrated. The teaching staff are enthusiastic, creative and professional. What's not to love? Mary-Anne and Ruby,

We love your nurturing ways and loving manner towards our Benny and of course everything else - especially the beautiful grounds, L Campbell, parent

Such a wonderful, friendly environment for our children - Mel and Huinter

How friendly everyone is and how welcoming, J Taylor, parent

Wycliffe Nga Tamariki Kindergarten:
Thank you Wycliffe Kindy for the awesome learning environment you provided for my son Ryley in the past couple of years. Ry started off elsewhere, where he was not so happy so we made the switch to Nga Tamariki where he  thrived and has loved his kindy days. I have no doubt it is because the lovely relaxed atmosphere created by the wonderful staff and he is going ahead in leaps and bounds at school. S Barr, Parent,


Contact Us


Phone:  06 835 7890


66 Kennedy Road, Napier

PO Box 4298, Marewa, Napier

New Zealand

Mission and Vision Statements

Our Vision
Together we nurture your child and their identity as a learner

Our Mission:
To inspire tamariki to be competent and confident learners