the joy of teaching, the love of learning

the joy of teaching, the love of learning

Kindergarten Committees

Joining a Kindergarten Committee is a positive way for parents and caregivers to play an active part in the life of their kindergarten community and help the kindergarten to flourish. By supporting and cooperating with each other, Committees and teachers can achieve long lasting benefits for the kindergarten and aide it’s smooth running. Committees can support the teachers to achieve their visions and goals for the kindergarten by:
  • Helping to create a welcoming, inclusive, respectful and fun environment for families and children
  • Assisting with fund raising for additional resources or large projects
  • Assisting the teachers with excursions and events for the children
  • Contributing ideas and experience to initiatives
  • Assisting the teachers with planning of events at the kindergarten aimed at providing fun opportunities for families and children to socialise
  • Assisting with minor maintenance of buildings, grounds and equipment (such as lawn mowing, gardening, equipment cleaning or repairs etc)
  • Acting as positive advocates for kindergarten

Teachers can support their Committee by providing:
  • Expertise
  • Advice and Guidance
  • Access to resources
  • Assistance with grant applications
  • Problem solving assistance
Committees must at all times act within Association Policies and Guidelines.

Joining your local Kindergarten Committee is an opportunity to make new friends, learn about how the kindergarten is run, learn new skills, develop a closer relationship with the teachers, have a say in kindergarten matters and have fun.

Committee members are elected annually, however parents are welcome to join the Committee at any time during the year. Each Committee normally has a Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer and meets on a regular basis in the kindergarten, outside of teaching hours.

Prospective Committee members don’t require previous experience to be on a Committee. We are looking for parents and caregivers who have enthusiasm, a positive attitude and time.

The Association provides each kindergarten with the funds required to cover their day to day operating expenses, including excursions. The primary source of fund raising for additional resources is via grant applications, for which Association support is also available.

Parents interested in finding out more about their Kindergarten Committee should speak to their Head Teacher.
Our Kindergarten Committee Guide, which provides comprehensive information about our Committee operations, can be viewed here.


Contact Us


Phone:  06 835 7890


66 Kennedy Road, Napier

PO Box 4298, Marewa, Napier

New Zealand

Mission and Vision Statements

Our Vision
Together we nurture your child and their identity as a learner

Our Mission:
To inspire tamariki to be competent and confident learners